Full planning applications
If you are planning to extend your home, business or build a new dwelling,
it is likely that you will require Planning Permission
EDS helps clients through the full planning application process. We understand that this can be daunting for some people, but we are experienced with local and Government planning policy and can help guide you through to a successful approval.
In 2015, EDS submitted over 100 individual planning applications making us one of the leading architectural practices in Rossendale. Typically, planning takes around eight weeks from submission to decision. Whilst we cannot guarantee every application will be successful, clients are assured that EDS’s knowledge and expertise will help ensure the best results. We understand the process well and advise clients on all planning matters, engage with the pre-application service, if required, make planning enquirers after submissions and review and manage the whole process on behalf of clients.
In 2015, EDS submitted over 100 individual planning applications making us one of the leading architectural practices in Rossendale. Typically, planning takes around eight weeks from submission to decision. Whilst we cannot guarantee every application will be successful, clients are assured that EDS’s knowledge and expertise will help ensure the best results. We understand the process well and advise clients on all planning matters, engage with the pre-application service, if required, make planning enquirers after submissions and review and manage the whole process on behalf of clients.
Following this initial visit, the first architectural designs of the existing site will be drawn up using the latest CAD software. We will prepare the scheme proposals for your development and we’ll email these to you for your comment or approval, and undertake further meetings if required.
Once you’ve agreed the plans, EDS will submit the scheme to the local planning authority including the submission of associated documents such as the Design and Access Statements. Information on the planning process is available on the Government website: www.planningportal.co.uk |